Two zero one seven.
(This post has a Russian version.) I’ve wanted to share a resolutions post – I love writing those and reading those – and I wrote mine, but upon rereading, it… more
(This post has a Russian version.) I’ve wanted to share a resolutions post – I love writing those and reading those – and I wrote mine, but upon rereading, it… more
Feeling Better For the last couple of weeks my system has been giving up on me from all directions. The stress of September and October (not my best months, by far)… more
Spanish I started learning Spanish via Duolingo. … OK, well, no. I started learning Spanish a long time ago using a textbook, but never got anywhere. Duo helped me pick… more
Getting Back Into Baking I’ve been without an oven for 3+ years now, and while I still don’t have one, I’ve been trying to bake using the multicooker my brother… more
Some time ago I published a post about my need to become more precise with where my money was going. Below is a list of things I resolved to doing, and… more
I hate doing chores not because I hate, say, washing up or sorting laundry. I hate doing chores, because I live in a huge flat and doing them takes up… more
With my mood slipping pre-holidays and my brother visiting (yay, dining out), I’ve slipped out of my wellness routine considerably over the last couple of weeks. Since Sunday I’ve been… more
Disclaimer: The title of the post is a bit clickbaity. I eat sugar. Yes, the big bad white stuff. I love my tea sweet (nope, no builders in the family),… more
I’ve been writing my Incoming! posts for several months, and they never get published, because shame. The exercise has not been completely futile, though, because I realised that I need to… more
We could all benefit from enjoying life more. Below is a list of this week’s good things. 1. My brother is in town!~ I haven’t seen him since around Christmas.… more