If there’s one thing to love about Egypt, is that morning ends when the sun sets. When the sun is up, people would greet you good morning and serve you… more
It appears that I have lost my blog domain (not this one, the other one), and a couple of posts together with it, as I can’t login to the WP… more
For a self-professed (and, well, baptised) Orthodox Christian, I really haven’t been an active participant in church life. This Easter I had my first full service. I came a little… more
I don’t have that big of an audience. Some of you probably subscribe through some RSS reader, a couple of people visit the site, and there’s almost 60 subscribers on… more
I have a lot of hang-ups, and chronology is one of them. But let’s think in terms of Vonnegut, and decide that time is not linear. If I start putting… more
How has your July been? I haven’t even noticed how it started, and barely realised that it ended. It always happens to me when things get weird at work. Nevertheless,… more
Last time I published SGTS in April. May and June were a blur and at certain points quite hurtful. I had my summer holiday; I have cemented certain unpleasant work… more