Six Good Things Sunday #6

Last time I published SGTS in April. May and June were a blur and at certain points quite hurtful. I had my summer holiday; I have cemented certain unpleasant work decisions; I had a fair amount of financial struggle; it was the 5th anniversary of my grandmother’s death; I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather; I’ve been having bouts of insomnia and nightmares and migraines after migraines after migraines; and, most importantly, I’ve lost two friends.

One is a furry friend and a permanent loss. Musya, my lovely ball of fluff, is no longer with me. She passed on 26 June. I was with her until the very end.

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Another friend is a human friend, and I wish them well.

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The pain connected to these two is of a different kind, but is acute in both cases. In the words of the wise, though, this too shall pass.

Onto the things that have kept me afloat these past months.


Brother Visiting

I miss him when he’s not around, and I want to punch him in the face every other minute when he’s here (and every other three when he’s back to his place). I suppose that’s what siblings are all about.

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Book Club

My friend and I decided to organise a book club at our work place. To be honest, we thought no one would join, but some folks expressed interest. Our inaugural meeting was yesterday. Our first read is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I’ve already started. I gave it a go long, long time ago, back when I was still a kid, but it’s good to refresh, especially seeing as I forget what I’ve read really quickly.


My friend (who has a lovely bookstagram of her own) persuaded me to start a separate Instagram account just for the bookish pursuits. It’s funny how these things work – I practically forced her to start her bookstagram, and now she’s forced me to start mine. Mine’s empty at the moment, so I’m not sharing it yet, but I kinda like the buzz of planning its content.

Road Trippin’

My friends, my brother and I visited my father two times in June. I might publish a semi-diary of that later, when I catch-up with a bunch of other stuff over at Inner Moldova.



Reunited at long last! My father fixed my old bikes, and Oxana and I had fun riding them all over the village. Well… More like back and forth in front of the Villa, but whatever. I still haven’t rented a bike to ride around in city parks, and judging by my budget, I am not going to do that until I receive my next salary, but eh. I shall live vicariously through my memories for now.


I’ll let you in on a secret – I don’t really like summer. It’s hot and humid, the city is dusty and stuffy, and I feel annoyed and clammy most of the time. But this year it’s been bearable. We’ve had a couple of really hot days (up close to 40C), but right now we’re going through a period of high 20s, and I can live with that. Now all I have to do is finally shake off this annoying cold I must’ve caught under the blasted ACs, so I can enjoy the best bits of summer – ice cream and lemonade and ice-based fruit smoothies. Mmmm-mmm!

One thought on “Six Good Things Sunday #6

  1. This is a guest comment because guest comments should be allowed on my site dammit.

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