Two zero one seven.

(This post has a Russian version.)

I’ve wanted to share a resolutions post – I love writing those and reading those – and I wrote mine, but upon rereading, it sounded like a goal list. A plan. Nothing wrong with that, but one of my resolutions is to keep mum on the majority of my plans until I see at least some fruition.

So here, instead, is a list of vague inclinations. Things I want to let into my life, keep in my life, remove from my life. I try not to use the word ‘more’ when setting goals – goals need to be specific and time-sensitive – but since these ain’t goals, just mere suggestions, you’ll see quite a lot of the ‘more’ in there.


take purposeless walks to clear my head // take purposeful photo walks // eat outside // drink tea // read books // sing when I feel like it // paint my nails often // try a new make-up brand // bake // listen // go on lunch dates // go out for breakfast // move // learn // avoid stagnation // properly set a table for at least five meals a week // invite people over // be proud of the flat i live in // heavily update my wardrobe // curb impulse purchases // watch my posture // rekindle my love for entertaining // sign up for a pole dancing class // show my library some lovin’ // spend more purposeful time with cats // be present // stop being lazy // stop half-arsing things // do more // talk less // listen more // listen better // be more // be better // buy less inexpensive perfume // learn some new hairstyles // watch 30 movies // attend a group exercise class or two // wear red // wear dresses // wear heels // post several ‘a day in the life’ posts // blog more // tweet more // facebook (even) less // stop apologising for my existence // stop self-sabotage // go on a picnic with my cousin // have coffee dates in parks with friends // invite people over to watch a movie in my living room // make popcorn // meal prep // laugh more // kiss more // hug more // smile more // give (even) less fucks // love more // keep a happiness jar // be content // keep cosy // light candles // get up // dress up // show up // never give up // always have fresh flowers in the kitchen // unfuck my habitat // keep it simple // stop confusing honesty with arseholeism // ditto for sarcasm and snark // marble // rose gold // grey // white // black // red // rust brown // more sushi // more running // less running around in circles // less complaining // less comparing // fresh air

What’s on your 2017 list?

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