Links for the weekend, one.

Welcome! to another installment of Things I Found on the Internet.

The Instagram account of melani_koni. If you like books, flowers, cats, and mugs of hot drinks, then you’re bound to love the aesthetic. The words are in Turkish, and while I’m sure it would add to the picture had I spoken the language, the lack of my understanding certainly doesn’t take anything away.

These Korean nail trends are going to be huge in 2017, according to Byrdie UK.

What else? This is the reason my link list will never be weekly. I came to this many years ago, back when my blog was still called ‘something neutral’, but Alexandra Franzen puts it into words that make sense.

On the difference between professionals and amateurs and on the power of average speed.

The article is called Surprising Stats, but I’d call them scary. All the time and money we waste, because we couldn’t just put our bills and keys in one place.

Midnight Modern.

On Politics, Silence & Speaking Your Mind.

Find what you love, and let it kill you.

10 signs you were once obsessed with LiveJournal. Y so true tho.

Period Poverty. Just read it.

Ask ITG about pore reduction, and while you’re there: read about hang-over face fixes as well. Both quite relevant, if I do say so myself.

Every exfoliant worth its weight in outlawed microbeads promises to “reduce the appearance of pore size,” but that doesn’t make sense. Imagine hiring an assassin to murder your ex Greg, but instead, all the assassin can do is “reduce the appearance of Greg” in your life.