Weekly Treat: a proper hot chocolate.

Whether your austerity is artificial or dictated by circumstance, it is necessary to set aside even as little as £1 a week to give yourself a little treat, lest you grow bitter or end up binging. I try to set aside approximately £2 for frivolous things. Living in a low wage country means that these £2 can get me several fun things. I usually indulge in one, and then accumulate the rest towards either savings or forthcoming treats.

hot choc

This week’s treat is a mug of proper hot chocolate. Mmm. I already had milk, cocoa, and sweetener, so all that was needed were some marshmallows and a candy cane.

I sat down with the last of the Christmas cookies and my notebooks to clear my head and plan. Setting time aside to journal is a treat of its own, and combined with overindulgent dessert it was something else entirely.

hot chocolate and journalling

Taking multiple pictures of essentially the same subject for a single post isn’t my usual MO, but man, I couldn’t resist.

hot chocolate and cookies

I mean, just look at the thing!

hot choc close-up

Look at it.

On a related note, marshmallows have become an obsession all on their own. This is my fourth brand. Can’t decide which one I like more. Might just have to buy them all for a thorough comparison~