Fit Friday: Back on Track

cottage cheese berry honey bowl

With my mood slipping pre-holidays and my brother visiting (yay, dining out), I’ve slipped out of my wellness routine considerably over the last couple of weeks. Since Sunday I’ve been largely back on track, save for one beer and some ice-cream.

… OK, and Nutella.

I’m currently in the process of switching to a new schedule, so I’ve been keeping things simple, exercise and diet-wise. Food-wise, it’s been lots of fresh fruit and steamed veg, some complex carbs and as much lean protein as I can get my hands on. For exercising, I’ve been sticking to my 20 minutes a day, every day – though I admit that sometimes I substitute the 20 minutes of regular exercise with an intense 7-minute HIIT session.

Some tips if you’ve fallen off the bandwagon with your wellness routine:

  1. Don’t beat yourself up. Never helped anybody. No shame, no blame: accept and move on.
  2. If you’ve been out of your exercise regimen for a while, don’t go at it full-speed. Start at a slightly lower level than you’ve been at when you stopped.
  3. Don’t avoid the scale. It’s just a number and it helps you keep track.
  4. Diet-wise, there are two methods: the ease-in and the cold turkey. Personally, I prefer the latter. The best way for me to get back to healthy eating is with a detox day or with a short but restrictive diet. If you’re more of a first type, then start slow – eliminate the worst (cookies for breakfast, sodas…), and slowly replace everything with clean foods.

Plans for July:

  • figure out a healthy filling breakfast  recipe for work days;
  • start running again.